Patti's Preschool Newsletter, February 2022

Our theme this month is Transportation and Community Helpers. The children will be learning about different ways to travel. Some of their projects will include painting with toy cars, making transportation collages, and matching/sorting/counting colored cars and trucks. Community helpers and their jobs will also be discussed this month.
Scholastic Book orders are due Friday, February 11th. Go to to place your order. Our class code is GW3RF. Please see the front office for more information!
Parent/teacher phone conferences for Ms. Shondra’s class will be held during the week of February 7. Conferences for all classes will continue through the end of April. Our annual calendar (on our website) lists all of the conference dates. We will email a conference schedule so you can sign up for a convenient time. Please respond to the front office by email or phone. A written evaluation will be sent home prior to your conference. Conferences are not mandatory.

The children will be exchanging valentines on Monday, February 14 and Tuesday, February 15. Please send valentines for your child’s classmates (not the entire school). We will have a special snack each day. Wish lists for party items will be posted on ClassDojo. We appreciate any donations!
Celebrating birthdays this month are Franklin, Hudson S., Greyson K., Piper, Devan, Robert, and Leila. One of our teachers, Ms. Sandy, is also celebrating this month! Happy birthday to all!

Our Stepping Up class along with Room 6 will be celebrating the 100th day of school on Friday, February 4. The teachers have planned many fun activities such as decorating hats with 100 dots, making towers with 100 cups, doing 100 exercises, and staying quiet for 100 seconds!
We appreciated the donation of gently used toys from Corinne and Jason D’Ambrosio. Many thanks to Lindsey and Jonathan Kimmes for the plastic storage containers which will come in handy in Room 6. Roxane Bennett brought in newspaper and egg cartons that we’ll put to good use. Lacey and Jonathan Seward gave Ms. Pam’s class several letter and number games as well as children’s magazines that Ms. Pam can use for the Letter of the Week activities. Thank you to our generous parents.
We’re pleased to announce the addition of a new staff member! Tammy Smith will be starting in Room 1 during the week of January 24th. Ms. Tammy will be training with Ms. Salma and Ms. Shondra. Ms. Salma will be starting another semester at OCC and will return to her former position as an afternoon teacher. Ms. Tammy has had over 40 years’ experience as a preschool teacher so we’re delighted to have her join our team!
We are looking forward to celebrating Chinese New Year on February 1st. The children will be making Chinese lanterns, practice writing Chinese calligraphy, and painting with different shades of red. We are excited to celebrate the Year of the Tiger!
School is closed Monday, February 21st, in honor of Presidents’ Day. We hope everyone has a fun and safe long weekend.